• Who has made the logo ?

The logo was created byt Laurent Vaissade and he did an excellent job. He’s very helpfull in defining precisly your original idea. You can look an his creation here. http://www.jogg.com/design/logo.php


  • I am searching for an article

Look at the bottom of the sidebar – you will find there the google search button. You can also enter this phrase in the google search engine:  “www.bien-voyager.com”.


  • It’s a unique blog, what is your secret ?

Hard work and a premium design.


  • Why are you blogging ?

To become the master of the world 🙂 Seriously ? Because it’s a great way to share my adventures !


  • Can I become rich thanks to writing a travel blog ?

    Maybe in the USA, but I can assure you, it isn’t possible in France. It’s hard to make ends meet in France with the only income from this blog.